It started with the bathroom around the corner from "Endor Vendors" at the Disney MGM Studios Theme Park back in the early 90's. There above the toilet seat cover dispenser was a big upside-down pink triangle a whole row of them. Now, as you may know, upside-down pink triangles are a popular symbol of gay pride, a little sign saying "gay spoken here."
So I thought, that seems a little odd, all these upside-down pink triangles here in the men's room. I guess the interior designer thought it would be a little inside joke. I mean, one could just as easily made the yellow triangles upside-down and reversed it, removing any subversive reference. But then I saw it again and again, pink triangles that didn't seem to be there by chance.
I had to get these on film. It became a scavenger hunt at every Disney theme park. Now please remain seated as we begin our triangle travelogue.