it is the ups guy with a package for me. cool!
it is from my mother.
it is from barnes & noble. yeah!
there is a little card, and it is gift wrapped. it is an early valentine's day present.
she got me the DVD of charlie and the chocolate factory (the johnny depp version... not as good as the original, but still quite enjoyable).
she also got me a book. a stephen king book. please see below for a description:

If the stretch of years between Sept. 11 and last fall's Kashmir earthquake has reminded us of anything, it's that history can take a drastic turn in one day. Stephen King jumps into the middle of one such day on the opening pages of Cell. Happily wandering Boston after selling a comic-book pitch, artist Clay Riddell watches as the world goes mad when a mind-wiping electronic pulse turns everyone using a cell phone into a violent zombie.
Readers who like their social satire subtle will probably jump off here, but that would be a mistake. King wields a chainsaw in Cell's early chapters, making sure that yuppies and religious zealots suffer equally in his apocalyptic new world order, where flesh-ripping has replaced handshakes. But the zombies--or "phone-crazies," as Riddell calls them--soon change, and the book changes with them. Developing into a telekinetic hive mind, they begin flocking together and performing basic tasks for the collective good with only one goal in mind: survival. The flesh-eating monsters that stand in for humanity at its worst give way to a vision of society at its worst, one vague enough to suggest religious extremism (the word "cell" has more than one meaning) or just everyday conformity.
and it goes on and on.....
so two things immediately come to mind.
1. this is a VALENTINE'S day present??? a "horror" novel about zombies? maybe my mom is a bit confused about the concept of this "holiday".
2. stephen king??? i mean REALLY?! i asked her about it today on the phone. she told me "i thought you loved stephen king and read him all the time" to which i replied, "well sure mom, back in the 6th grade!"
i know i know, i shouldn't complain...its the thought that counts and i do appreciate it. at least my mom is thinking about me.
besides i can exchange it for something else ;)
hooray for me! this is the frist time i've been able to get blogger to upload an image! lol.
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