nothing! according to the crowd at the agganis arena last wednesday night. we were all *very* willing to let franz ferdinand tear it up.
ha! i just typed "tear it up"
so we missed "special guests" the cribs due to horrific boston/red sox related traffic. it literally took me 55 minutes to travel 4.5 miles at one point. i was tearing my hair out. sad, but i got over it quickly.
death cab came on soon after we arrived. they played a lot of transatlanticism which i prefer to the newer stuff. they had a cute set with houses and trees. lots of warm and cool colored lights mixed together which was fun.
unlike some others i know, i did not find the set to be reminiscent of spinal tap......at all.......
then we watched them tear down the houses and erect the drum and keyboard pedestals for franz.
bam. they were electric all evening. simply awesome to behold. alex kapranos really is a god among front-men. i predict i will never tire of seeing franz live.
some highlights.
alex was quite chatty all evening, he had something to offer between almost every song. when he spoke of the song "michael" he said the song hadn't meant to be political, but who cares if two men dance with each other or marry each other (i'm paraphrasing). he spoke of the first time franz played in boston quite fondly. nick and alex played off each other all evening. at one point alex actually picked up his mike stand and moved it closer to the keyboard, saying that he wanted to be nearer to nick. and they debuted "L. Wells" for the first time in the united states.
what a night. i can't imagine the concert being done the other way around (as it was the following evening). death cab was a nice show...we sat for the majority of it...but certainly enjoyable. and then franz exploded onto the stage and stole the show.
2 shows down....2 more to go this month. stay tuned folks.
i am too harsh on death cab...
i just think it was such a weird pairing...and seeing franz AND THEN death cab...i mean if franz "killed" than death cab barely hit us with a rubber band gun.
a rubber band gun...i enjoy the analogy. heh.
but can you see how it could work a lot better the way i saw it? death cab to get us in the mood for a show...and then franz to bring new meaning to our pathetic little lives?!?!?! (cue the melodramatic music....hehe)
oh totally. death cab to get things started and then franz as a closer. it just seems like (and listen to the bias here!!) that franz would be a hard act to follow for anybody-- let alone a mellow death cab.
hehe agreed!
any suggestions on who franz should tour with next?
um what franz needs is another member...someone to play tambourine... and i don't mind ironing...
what about interpol as opener, franz as headliner...it could be a tour of men who dress well.
or belle and sebastian and franz...i mean they're all friendly and think of the possible collaborations!
yes i think they would need someone with superior ironing skills on the tour...good call.
have you heard of 'she wants revenge'? they sound a LOT like interpol...but they are not good...weird. when i have free time i'll investigate the possible family ties.
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