how can you beat glow in the dark bubble bath?!?

"You sink into a warm bath, the scent of vanilla and honey wafts through the air, pleasuring your senses – you sip your glass of champagne and bask in the soft glow of the candles. Hang on a didn't light any candles!
Who needs candles? You've got Glow in the Dark Bubble Bath. So much fun you'll want to share it with more than just your rubber ducky.
Glow in the Dark Bubble Bath radiates a soothing soft glow. It's not quite bright enough to read – but hey, if all you're interested in is the Da Vinci Code – perhaps you'd better save it for a more appropriate night.
Ten minutes before you run your bath, just place your bottle in front of a bright light to charge the pigments. Before you know it, you'll be in a lather of luminosity.
Glow in the Dark Bubble Bath with its vanilla and honey scent is yummy for one, delicious for two – and when it comes to Valentine's Day, Hen's Nights, Halloween, Birthdays or even Christmas, nothing holds a candle to this glimmering gift.
There's no unsightly ring around the bath – but you might find a rather otherworldly glow that'll freak out your flatmates!
A single bottle will get you up to four baths, the twin pack will double your fun and the party pack, well now, that'll really get the party glowing with four bottles of radiance ready to rage!
Glow in the Dark Bubble Bath – why not enjoy it with someone you've taken a shine too...rub-a-dub-dub, get yourself in my tub! "
best product description ever!
and its *only* $15 a bottle. order here.
(it would make a great bday gift for someone whose birthday is quickly approaching ;)
but not really....i was only joking. )
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