Friday, December 23, 2005

merry xmas

christmas time will soon be over.
christmas time will soon be over.
christmas time will soon be over...then we'll join the band.

according to jon stewart,
"everytime you say happy holidays an angel gets AIDS"

happy holidays to all and goodbye to the angels.

*note: images and i do not work out so well :(

Saturday, December 17, 2005


these are just a few one-liners that stick with me. clearly they reflect what i currently have in my car's cd changer/at work.

there are many more i could add. any suggestions?

just random lines from songs that stick with you and makse sense completely, even out of context (well make sense to ME that is) or evoke some kind of "emotion".

you know, things you might actually quote to someone who isn't familiar with the music and then take credit for :) (not that *I* would ever do that...)

don't be a coconut.

velvet snow.

i want a lover i don't have to love.

i must have had fun, cause now i'm broke.

cancel the thing that i said i'd do.

i wish two drinks were always in me.

i can even take him in the bath!

and all them big jungle cats get it.

it was...fucking strange.

i'll be in the lobby drinking for two.

don't look at my that way. it was an honest mistake.

if you hate the taste of wine...why do you drink it 'til you're blind?

the glove compartment isn't accurately named...and everybody knows it.

i'm your villain.


maybe more later. now i need to start this day already.

Weekend Mornings

It is very rare that i actually wake up in a good mood. but today is one such day and i thought i would take the time to tell you all how much i enjoy saturday/sunday "mornings" when all i do is sit in my bed for hours listening to music and playing online.

like today. listening to the strokes leaked album, all cozy and warm in my flannel sheets reading blogs and emailing people. i honestly can't think of anything that would make this more perfect.

oh wait! i just did. coffee! i need to make coffee...then everything will be perfect.

and yes i know.....when KAREN says morning....she means 11am. not 8am or anything crazy.

Thursday, December 15, 2005


well. marrrrrrrrrrrrry is passed out on my futon and kristine and i had some really good conversations. i'm surprisingly optomistic. don't get used to it.

YEAH for people working out.

much more to say.............oh well i'll do it later.
luv you the absence of people who read this.

ps marrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell.

Monday, December 12, 2005


i won't say much more.
ask me if you like.

people just REALLY amaze me. and they just totally don't get it. they will do something completely INSANE. and then act like NOTHING happened 2 seconds later. do they think i'm just going to forget?



hello. i have a blog. scarey.