Thursday, January 26, 2006

G'day Mate!

It is Australia Day! Rejoice!

"Australia Day, January 26, is the biggest day of celebration in the country and is observed as a public holiday in all states and territories. On Australia Day we come together as a nation celebrate what's great about Australia and being Australian. It's the day to reflect on what we have achieved and what we can be proud of in our great nation. It's the day for us to re-commit to making Australia an even better place for the future."

What's great about Australia?
There are many great things about this country: CLICK HERE

karen's personal favorite....

"A fair go for all - An enduring spirit of mateship and fairness. A compassionate society committed to access to employment, housing, health and education. Ours is a land of opportunity where we can do anything."

Mateship!! who even knew that was a word!!

more australia day info here.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

sean penn

not a person i ususally care too much about, but when i saw this on the onion today i found it too hysterical to pass up.

i wasn't doing this at WORK or anything...haha...really.... :)
January 17, 2006 Issue 42•03

LOS ANGELES—In an impassioned 1,900-word open letter published in Monday's Washington Post, actor-director Sean Penn urged the unknown person who registered the e-mail address to "come forward immediately, rather than wallowing in the shame and ignominy of fraud."

The paid full-page advertisement, addressed to "a certain inconsiderate asshole," continued: "Every American—indeed, every human being, regardless of nationality—deserves to be rightfully and accurately represented on the World Wide Web—the communication gateway into the next century and beyond—without having to resort to nonsensical aliases with random strings of numbers tacked onto the end. In an era of global wireless technology, our very identities are at stake. It's highly unethical at best, criminal at worst, for others to wantonly abscond with them."

Penn recounted in the letter how he had waited for an invitation to Google's e-mail service for a year and a half before receiving one earlier this month. According to Penn, when he tried to establish an account, he received a message indicating that his desired user name, SeanPenn, had already been registered.

******Karen received an gmail invitation MONTHS ago.*********

"Sir or madam, if only you could have seen the anger and revulsion that washed over my face as I found that,,,, and had all been taken," Penn's letter read. "If only you could have felt my heart leap to my throat upon realizing that would not work either, as Gmail addresses are not case-senstitive. If only you could have heard my cry of anguish when, in a last, desperate move, I typed in, only to be rejected once more and finally forced to accept the abomination that is"

Continued Penn, "It's a sad, sad day for the individual's right to self-determination and self-expression, let alone for the movie directors, journalists, and diplomats who will not be able to easily remember—or even recognize—my e-mail address."

"Oh, certainly, I identify more strongly with the poor, war-battered youth of the Middle East."

Penn ended his statement by reiterating his demand that the SeanPenn user-name holder reveal his identity, assuring him that he will not retaliate with punitive measures or even ask that the e-mail address be relinquished. Instead, Penn invited the perpetrator to accompany him to Iraq, to "learn a hard, real-life lesson about the devastation wreaked by false pretense, gross injustice, and misapplication of power."

please tell me jon stewart said something about this!

a few things

music: Wilco's live album.

1. i was on hold with wal-mart yesterday...only because i was checking on an reference...yeah, so they have the SCARIEST country music! and i know many people out here in the valley like country music and all, but honestly...this was SOOO bad...i nearly died. really.

2. vegas this weekend! karen will be gone from thursday evening until monday night. wish me luck...if i win big i'll treat all my friends, promise :)

3. i've been dealing with a pissy neighbor downstairs. i am quite aware we all make noise, but she was playing REALLY loud (and bad) music in the mornings...every morning for almost a week. so loud stuff on my shelves was rattling. so after i tried to knock on her door, i left her a note. she responded quite annoyingly. sigh. i do not want to start a war with her...i just want her to turn down the habitually loud music. grrr.

okay. i'm done now. this has been a whiney post. fun ones soon.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

and all them big jungle cats get it

so i know its getting old and probably a little lame, but i really can't stop gushing about how much i love my iPod. i love it a little bit more each and every day.

once upon a time, i was one of those people who thought they were okay but not for me. now i literally cannot imagine life without it!

two new things about my iPod i've come to love.
1. downloading free videos from the internet onto my iPod.
2. shuffle. OMG shuffle is so great. the placement of artists next to one person could have conceived of such combinations.

so many of you have iPods, yes.
a poll.
does everyone use their thumb to scroll? and if not, what do you use?

ok. i'm sorry. eventually i'll stop being obsessed with it. really.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


hello friends.
i've been missing for a while. sorry. its been a stressful couple of weeks at work. and to top it all off i recently found out that after 9 years of partnership, my company was NOT awarded the contract for the next year.

what does this mean you ask?
well it means that come march karen will be jobless. joy.

i'm sure i will find something else, but the atmosphere here isn't exactly wonderful since the decision which just makes all of this increasingly stressful.

just so you know, my current music is Kings Of Leon: Joe's Head. it feels very appropriate.

i really do not know how i am going to go back to being a 9 to 5 kind of girl. not having to be at work until noon really is the BEST thing in the entire world.

oh well. i'll survive i'm sure.
at least i still have my iPod! i will despair, but at least i will despair with good music.
i'll strive to update more often. promise.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


dear friends.

ummm, so when you leave me a comment...and i LOVE it SOOOO much when you do. umm, yeah, could you sign it or something?

it drives me crazy that i can't figure it out sometimes! the first vegas one is from kristine, yes?

you don't have to put your name...just something so i know its you!


Sunday, January 08, 2006

we should all be filthy rich

The Forbes Fictional 15

this is for real.
forbes magazine actually published a list of the 15 richest fictional characters.

because knowing who the real richest people in the world are isn't enough.
now we should speculate on the fictional characters as well.

so who made the list?

1. Santa Claus
2. Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks
3. Richie Rich
4. Lex Luthor
5. C. Montgomery Burns
6. Scrooge McDuck
7. Jed Clampett
8. Bruce Wayne
9. Thurston Howell III
10. Willy Wonka
11. Arthur Bach
12. Ebenezer Scrooge
13. Lara Croft
14. Cruella De Vil
15. Lucius Malfoy

this really amazes me.
read on here.

a trip

... to fabulous The Fields/Meadows....depending on how you want to translate it. (i prefer the fields, the official site says meadows....whatever)

.Las Vegas.

yup. that's what my mother wants to do. my aunt has a suite at the venetian. so room would be free thanks to the nuclear medicine department of a boston hospital.

i dunno.
anyone ever been?

will i go crazy?

will i loose too much money?

should i see celine dion?
that one was a joke.

much more thought has to go into this. but apparently i have to decide by tomorrow or so.


current music: grounds for divorce, wolf parade. LOVE THEM.


happy sunday.

sunday = lots of time spent/wasted online and LOTS of coffee.

From The Rock Snob's Dictionary: An Essential Lexicon of Rockological Knowledge by David Kamp and Steven Daly. presented to karen on her 23rd birthday (or there-abouts) by one julia.

OLD SCHOOL - Sometimes spelled old skool. Originally a discursively valid term that functioned as the hip-hop equivalent of the word "classic" in rock, denoting a performer or phenomenon from an earlier era still held in high regard today: Erik B and Rakim are my old-school faves. But more recently the term has transmogrified into a despicable phraseological device employed by honkies angling for hipster credibility: I'm much more into old-school Banana Republic, back when it was all safari-wear.

One of the Top Ten People Rock Snobs Are Required to Hate

Kurt Loder - MTV news anchor and former Rolling Stone scribe. For becoming the smirky Cronkite of the music-television era, for projecting an air of mild contempt for whatever subject matter he happened to be reporting on, for kissing Madonna's sculpted ass, for refusing to let go.

just some things to think about while dreading the inevitable monday.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


sophie gets credit for finding this.

and for the record, i have two of their albums. no traps would befall karen.

Monday, January 02, 2006

happy new year!

well 2005 is done and over with. too bad i'm still writing NOVEMBER '05 on things.....oh well. by march i'll be writing december.

so the holiday season is now officially over. i'm sad. really.

i swear.

okay i'm not. you caught me.

its not that i dislike the holidays...its just they tend to drag on forever and include a lot of stress. especially chez mes parents. so i guess i'm glad the stressful stuff is over and sad the fun stuff is gone.

but now we have a fun fun new year of exciting things to look forward to. plus i've got a ton of gift certificates to spend hehe.

so ask and ye shall receive.

i asked for an iPod
and i got one!

its quite fabulous. now all i have to do is get used to iTunes and fill it up wil fun stuff! i got quite a bit of fun music for xmas so that's a good start. and i just bought some videos on iTunes music store....mostly just so i could have some videos. they look really cool. i FEEL cool.

well, that's it for now. i've been quite awful with e-mails recently. i promise i'll catch up soon.