Wednesday, February 01, 2006

our ever-so-competent leader

i'm back from vegas. had a pretty good time. all VERY interesting. i won $200. i have fun stories, but those are for another time.

today i would like to post a few quotes from last night when our illustrious president addressed the nation. nothing political...just some of the more ridiculous statements he made.

now this could have been an endless list....i choose a select few.....enjoy.


we cannot allow the VIOLENT to inherit the earth

we love our freedom and will fight for it.

there is no peace in retreat. there is no honor in retreat.

america is always more secure when freedom is on the march!

economic performance that is the envy of the world.

we must invest in “revolutionary” solar and wind technology.

before history is written in books it is written in courage.

regarding the supreme court justices:
they must be servants of the law and not legislate from the bench.

he began many sentences:
keeping america competitive…

but my favorite moment came when bush was speaking about his failed social security plan. all the democrats stood and applauded his failure….he let them….then he turned toward them and SHOOK HIS FINGER AT THEM in a disapproving manner. i nearly fell over i was laughing so hard.

he also actually said the word environment….that was a shock.

i can't wait until next year!!

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