Sunday, July 23, 2006

more from the daily show

best part of this is the mac/pc reference.



Julia said...

the fantastic john hodgman in action! his book is GREAT! Laugh out loud funny!

.karen. said...

that's what i've heard! do you have it? can i borrow it?

.karen. said...

"38 of 43 people found the following review helpful:

regarding mailing lists, January 19, 2006
Reviewer: John Hodgman

I am the author of the book in question, and I am concerned by the report here regarding multiple, unwanted mailings on my behalf.

I have a small mailing list to whom I sent a weekly update about my book during the fall. Those updates have now ceased, though they may resume in the future. Membership on this list is voluntarily and frequently discouraged by me in order to avoid fraying readers' nerves as little as possible.

If you feel you have received spam in my name, please feel free to contact me via my website. So as not to seem wholly crass, I will not list the URL here, though you can figure it out, I trust. Once you are there, simply click on the words "John Hodgman" and then "desperate."

I would be glad to investigate this matter and resolve it if I can. I also have some excellent investment opportunities and low rate mortgages on prescription drugs that I am sure you will want to hear about.

Sorry to briefly commandeer these reviews for this matter. It is cheesy, I realize, to give my own book five stars; but I am not going to give it zero stars on principle, because despite what you may have heard, I do not loathe myself quite that much yet.

I apologize for the interruption. End transmission.

That is all."

did you see this on there? :)

Julia said...

he's the greatest-- you must borrow the book for sure. the cover alone is worth it.